Presence Beyond The Obvious EP1

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Oh Dear! At firts Happy Birthday Solange – Let us still celebrate You!

Thank You, Solange for wonderful start and opening of the Book Club meet & greet.

Beautyful to hear from Tunde, Claire, Giulia and Martin – so far.

I found the Book Club right now and I would like to share how much I appreciate this learning journey. It is so interesting to read about your findings, to learn and share.

For me our first session was really deep and my findings are “still there” in my system. As some of You guys said I also love to play and dance.

Maybe I can express myself how deep this learning already has taken me when we all meet i april!?

To be honest most of my learning right now is beyond words. I belive that my way of sharing should be through art, music, dance, poetry or something like that. Or maybe just be – very silent.

I am very interested in all of your findings to learn more. My feeling is that my awarness is kind of “cutting” and moving through all “the four spheres” and maybe even beyond them – as you see my words, my understanding ends here 🙂 – like if I am moving to another unknown dimension!?

I am enjoing this learning so much and look forward to next Friday!

Ps. Interesting with this tool here – The Book Club.

Whish You all a week full of wonder – Wonderful!

Cheers! Carin, Sweden

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