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Home Page Integrative Presence Private: Forums Book Club Book Club Reflections Solange about our Book Club meet & greet

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    Dear Giulia, Viktoria, Carin, Marco, Walter, Kristian and Martin,

    Thank you so much for our engaging ‘meet-and-great’ moment.

    Because of my need to connect and thanks to the encouragement of Tünde I would like to share my reflection on my Book Club experience. And I am very curious about what you (guys and girls) felt at that moment.

    By exchanging pieces of our lives, I felt we brought in the I-sphere, the we-sphere, the all-sphere and even the omnisphere. It felt rich while we were connecting the countries and names with each other. I loved our beautiful ‘who is who’ exchange. Because it was a playful way of getting to know each other. It made me feel happy to get to know you and I felt trust and thrilled to continue our journey together! My heartbeat was a bit faster and I could not take of the smile on my face. Another thing is, ‘playing’ is one of my annual themes. I would like to play more and learn more about playing and dancing. Perhaps I will tell you more about it, later on.

    What was your experience during the Book Club meeting?

    And there was also, this moment in the second part of our Book Club, and at the end, in which I asked my self ‘can I interfere?’ ‘And how can I interfere to connect with every one’. And ‘did everyone tell her or his story?’ I think Mr. Control was present ????. It left me curious and with questions, about you. I and thought ‘was it my need (to hear all the stories? or was this my projection of not being heard?

    And I also asked myself, did I show up in a ‘balanced’ way? Did the others? Or did I hide myself? Did others hide? What was your experience in being present? What did you see? What did you feel? I am very curious!

    I am looking forward to your reflections. See you tomorrow!

    Moe Fowaz

    Hi dear Solange,

    you did well entering the Community Forum here, and I think the first-comers deserve some special kudos in the Community Forum.

    Heeyyyyyyyy, A VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY, dear Solange. J

    I was sooooooooo consumed by my own need to deliver ‘well’ that it totally slipped my mind to simply commemorate your birthday – well, well, well. I was not present. I was busy making sure my cartographer’s map was laid out in front of me well.

    It was a special day for you today. Many thanks for spending your time with us on this very special day in your life.

    My most sincere apologies for having missed the opportunity to say so to the group.
    Warmest and trust that we can make up for it playfully next time.

    Moe Fowaz

    birthday card

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 5 months ago by Moe Fowaz.

    Happy birthday Solange!!!! 🙂

    You shine!

    Thanks also for the reflection. I loved the meet & greet as I am curious and, also, as I think these moments are those we miss in the online-trainings/conferences. Normally, you would meet before the training starts, or over lunch, or at a pub afterwards. This was a great way to at least socialize a bit and exchange outside of the standard times.

    Honestly, I would even add more of those, to let the group connect 🙂 Maybe we could play/dance once together. I love both!

    I felt comfortable during the meeting, even if it felt “scattered”/ “not fluid” to me from time to time. But that was our way to connect and actually even in person this often happens.

    To everyone in the group, please feel free to reach out to me if you wish, as one would normally do during a coffee break.

    Have a wonderful weekend, Giulia


    Dear Solange,

    Thank you for your curiosity, shearing and to start the “Club” and also – late, but with all my hard : HAPPY Birthday – I hope you had enough time to play around.

    The part in you massage – with space above and below – seems for me as your “topic”.

    What was your experience during the Book Club meeting

    So i like to follow your example and shear my experience.

    Since i am fare away of the “coaching world” i had no clue what will happen and my curiosity was triggered. So without any ideas no picture arose in me like what “might” be there. And i enjoy something like this very much, like starting to digg a hole on Treasure Island – what will i find? And  -by the way – nothing harmful can happen -(No cannibals on my island :-)- so i felt quite save. Thank you for everybody.

    I had never been in a meeting where everybody is working to be present, is listening, try to shear, is curious and want to develop and connect. So i felt happy and alive. The difference to my “normal working environment” struck me deeply.  The one hour went by in a moment for me and -like you- i also would like to hear more from everybody what has happened for them during this time. Especially what they are looking for, searching in -or- for them, and also how can i help you on your journey!

    Getting a little bit more understanding of your “Inner world” or some feeling how it might be to be “You” would help me to understand my own “inner world” better and also “Who am I for you”, so that interaction between us (and our inner worlds) can be more deep and – hopefully for both – enjoyable.

    Yours, Martin





    Oh Dear! At firts Happy Birthday Solange – Let us still celebrate You!

    Thank You, Solange for wonderful start and opening of the Book Club meet & greet.

    Beautyful to hear from Tunde, Claire, Giulia and Martin – so far.

    I found the Book Club right now and I would like to share how much I appreciate this learning journey. It is so interesting to read about your findings, to learn and share.

    For me our first session was really deep and my findings are “still there” in my system. As some of You guys said I also love to play and dance.

    Maybe I can express myself how deep this learning already has taken me when we all meet i april!?

    To be honest most of my learning right now is beyond words. I belive that my way of sharing should be through art, music, dance, poetry or something like that. Or maybe just be – very silent.

    I am very interested in all of your findings to learn more. My feeling is that my awarness is kind of “cutting” and moving through all “the four spheres” and maybe even beyond them – as you see my words, my understanding ends here 🙂 – like if I am moving to another unknown dimension!?

    I am enjoing this learning so much and look forward to next Friday!

    Ps. Interesting with this tool here – The Book Club.

    Whish You all a week full of wonder – Wonderful!

    Cheers! Carin, Sweden


    Hi dear Tünde,

    Thank you so much for your congratulations. I very much appreciate your kind words. And of course there was this focus needed to deliver, and we all benefited! Thank you so much!



    PS. I am still checking out how the threads and topics works :).


    Thank you, dear ones, for the warm regards and congratulations.




    Dear Martin,

    Thank you for sharing your first experience with focussing on presence in a meeting. It was special to me to be a witness of your ‘first’.

    Thank you so much for your invitation to explore our ‘inner worlds’ simultaniously and to share, to learn and to grow together. That would be wonderful! I am looking forward to that.

    I am excited to meet you and the others again, Martin.

    See your Friday!

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