Presence Beyond The Obvious EP1

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Dear Solange, thank you for sharing

during my 2×3 minutes i struggled a lot,

it seems that i am not used AT ALL to listen AND simultaneously  try to realize – what is going on inside me/with my body/ what response i show –  while listening ..

it felt more like – always switching from “inside-view” to “listening ” and back

when starting my ” inside-view-second” i always had the urge to close my eyes – what i didn’t do and was somehow distracted  f.e. to see the person on the monitor, the room i am in..

when starting my “listening -sequence” i lost focus  of ” the inner process” and get “sucked” in the story i heard, the picture i saw, like pulling me back in the “outside-world” away from my “inner-world”

today i have the question : can i/we bring the – normal unconscious extremely fast processes, that seems to happen during communication (that is my presumption)  – to our awareness / concousness?


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