Presence Beyond The Obvious EP1

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NAVIGATING CHANGE: CREATING ADAPTIVE COMMUNITIES Conference, ICF Charter Chapter Romania, 6 – 7 March 2024

This conference is organized by ICF Charter Chapter Romania – recipient of the ICF Chapter Recognition Award 2022 by ICF Global with an immense success record in terms of attendance, commitment and engagement levels in the EMEA region. Why attend?
  • Learn how to prepare and what can support adaptating to change
  • What facilitates the creation of adaptive communities and their importance
  • How coaching supports adaptation to change
  • Top speakers from Romania and abroad
  • Networking and share of experience with specialists in the field 
The keynotes will be delivered by
  • Philippe Rosinski – Global Leadership Developer, Executive Coach, Bestselling Author, Professor and Keynote Presenter
  • Richard Boyatzis – Founding Member Consortium for Research on Emotional Intelligence in Organizations, Senior Fellow Coaching Research Laboratory, Professor and Keynote Presenter
I’ll be speaking on: ‘Online presence skills and in-person presence skills: what do we start noticing?’ Digital coaching platforms mushroom. As they do, or as we simply choose to work more online than in person with clients, we embrace the opportunity to get easy access to clients from all over the world. As we welcome this opportunity, do we also embrace potential differences when it comes to our coaching presence? Do we notice the implications of moving from offline to online coaching when it comes to this particular skills, one which has been understood to be our most important lever of mastery? Visit the conference website to learn more, here:
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