Presence Beyond The Obvious EP1

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  • #2266

    What was my goal?

    being less on social media and more into action

    Where am I with this goal right now?

    At 60%. I manage to disconnect much more and found a better balance.

    What have I tried and what felt like some success this week?

    I have been alone and in silence the whole Saturday, to recharge, and hiking the whole Sunday.

    Moreover, something happened during a coaching session: I saw my client keep her hand around her neck while talking about a specific topic. I felt very uncomfortable, but I just said what I saw, not adding anything: “I saw you had your hand around your neck while talking about this”. In the end, she told me what meaning this could have, and it was the opposite of the meaning I had in mind! (me: oppression vs her: protection).

    …lightbulb moment!

    What is the challenge I still encounter?

    – still too much distracted, still too much into thinking instead of being/doing

    – still hesitant to share with my clients what I sense, as it feels “silly” (and I know it’s not, but it doesn’t come as natural yet).

    What is one thing that anyone in the community can do to support your explorations – learnings – discoveries?

    Keep sharing with me this journey, being patient and kind with each other.



    Thank you for sharing your lightbulb moment with us, dear Giulia. It inspires me how you felt, kept it to your self and just said what you saw. And the outcome of it.

    Thank you for inspiring us.




    Dear Giulia,

    Thank you for sharing your experience.

    Now i can think about how i can bee more observant in my interactions – also i will try to apply this in my working field – even very unusual in the building industry!

    Thank you


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