Presence Beyond The Obvious EP1

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  • #2215
    Moe Fowaz

    Dear Tunde,

    thank you for your supportive words.

    Yes, recently our company is not in a simple situation due to a disrupted supply chain, which requires daily interaction and communication both internally and with our external partners as well. Moreover, the tragedy that has occurred in UA has and will have a multiplier effect on the current unfavorable supply situation. The suppliers of some of our key raw materials are from UA or RU. People from UA are also employed in some of our plants in CEE. Some of them have already gone back to their families or to the battlefields. Unfortunately, we will have to reckon with the lack of construction workforce in CEE, as a large number of them are from UA. This effect, in turn, may affect construction industry performance in our region. And I could continue … Fortunately, we have a good team of people and we will do our best to overcome these obstacles as quickly as possible.

    As I informed you Friday, I will not be able to attend our meetings in the next two weeks. I have a family vacation planned for next week, during which I will also work. A week later, I’ll be at London headquarter all week for a group leadership meeting, which was originally scheduled for January but was postponed to early March due to the covid. I’m sorry, but these events don’t give me space to attend our meetings.

    After March 14, I will be back and fully operational.

    Thank you for your understanding and I look forward to meeting you on 18 March.


    Kind regards,




    pi 25. 2. 2022 o 16:47 Tünde Erdös <> napísal(a):

    Hi dear Viktoria,
    Hi dear Kristian,

    this is to pass on an inclusive greeting from the action learning group to you.

    We trust that your crisis meeting has been effective and wish to share with you that we absolutely feel with you in this difficult moment.

    Let us please share what the group is inviting you to do to stay in the communication loop with them:

    – please watch the recording at your earliest as you will see how the group is interacting with you while you were called to be away in this matter of urgency and what has been reflected and suggested as the way forward as a group
    – please also communicate your feedback about this Module 3 session with us as we are awaiting your response about how to move forward regarding Module 4 next week
    – please enter the Member Login area via using your login access data (the bug has been fixed and you should not end up in the admin area any longer) to keep in the communication loop with us about how to move forward
    – please interact with the group by latest 1st of March – any time during the day.

    I will upload the recording of Module 3 in a few moments, which will make it possible for you to access it this very evening.

    Wishing you quite a resourceful evening and an all the more rewarding weekend in the current circumstances.


    Hej Kristian!

    Vi har haft dig och de, andra som inte kunnat närvara, i stark åtanke.

    Med jämna mellanrum tänker jag på Dig, Kristian och er alla. Så som jag fungerar bara.

    Ser fram mot och hoppas att det fortfarande ska vara möjligt för dig att deltaga 18/3-22.

    Gläder mig att få uppleva det här tillsammans med er – vilken unik möjlighet vi har här.


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