Presence Beyond The Obvious EP1

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    What was my goal?

    Do less and feel more.

    Where am I with this goal right now?

    I am trying to integrate the doing less and feel more in all situations, and it is a tough exercise. Because of the cartographer in me who is so familiar. I do try to ‘inhale’ the sonar radar feeling.

    And I also feel and think that it would help me to integrate what I am thriving if I would read some more pages of Tündes book. Coming week I would like to reread and go on reading.

    What have I tried and what felt like some success this week?

    In all my appointments and coaching session I try to slow my pase before I get started, and I try to meditate. I discovered that I often are in a rush. Slowing down my pase gives this focus and ability to zoom in and zoom out with all my senses.

    Tuesday I had this peaceful moment with my client, it felt as a dance in which I really followed, responded and observed her, her face, her hands, her shoulders and in which I could hear her voice that sounded light and clear as when I am in the mountains.

    And yesterday I had this experience in which I could feel, sense, smell, tast – this is firework! It helped me to dance with her. How it helped me is the question. I will rethink this.

    What is the challenge I still encounter?

    To slow down the cartographer and to find the words for the sences. I would like to learn how to indicate the senses and to use the language of the senses. I think it would be helpfull to dance in the moment.

    How you can be helpful

    Partly the same as last week.  Provocate me (also scarry :), I would like to be ‘tickled’. But the most import thing is having fun together, and feeling at home together.




    Dear Solange,

    thanks for sharing. Personally I feel at ease with you, if I would challenge you I would put you on a dance floor ;P

    Big hug, Giulia


    Dear Solange!

    It is a so big “surprise” to read your words. We will soon meet each other again. I´m surprised over my own reflection – and I hope to be able to tell You – because it will oterwise be as long as a book here!

    I look forward to meet You, Dear Solange!


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